
Welcome to my Therian Saga information page. I love this game, and I’m hoping to help you on your path.

For other information, the best map I’ve seen so far that includes off-site locations can be found here: http://www.shinhan.name/tsmap/

Shinhan's map has become a crucial tool to the game, so I highly recommend you bookmark it.

Another great map and tool is Nighshade's full map here: http://map.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

Also he has a extended version of the game guide, which you can find here: http://guide.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

(There Nightshade, are you feeling the love ;) )

The wiki on Therian Saga is still mostly in French and lacking in a lot of areas. The Game Guide, accessible through the Theriansaga.com 's home page is the second most valuable page online (after shinhan's map) for game information.

Happy Gaming Folks!

All game images copyrighted by Studio Virtys

Saturday, December 31, 2016

Grimaldaz Locations

Grimaldaz Locations


Just a quick reference of a map for Grimaldaz to make sure you've got everything opened.  Walkthrough for the quests to follow soon.

NoWorry Mountains

Turquoise Marsh

Desert of Hornets

Shiver Hills

Sentamau Forest

Monday, October 31, 2016

New Halloween Candy Quest

New Halloween Candy Quest

For a total of 9 Candies
3 in hawkoria
3 in lanfar
2 in nostria + 1 in tarasquan swamp

In total you'll need 15 apples, 15 mohair fibers and 15 dead skvaders

Trade the candies in at the candy store for goodies (if you don't have the candy store opened yet, grab it on the first tab at teason village)

Quest starts in Hawkoria

Speak to Andra Faretta in the Visitor’s District of Hawkoria City

Accept the quest “The outstretched hands tour”

Hawkoria locations:

Hunting camp – requires 5 apples

Pioneers camp – requires 5 apples

Artisan’s Farm – requires 5 apples

Lanfar locations

Kor Shelian’s Cabin: Requires 5 mohair fibers

Maliken Pen: Requires 5 mohair fibers

Sheros Community: Requires 5 Mohair fibers

Nostria Locations:

Forest House of the Korvus (starfield): Requires 5 dead skvaders

Forgiveness Domain (forest of the last assault): Requires 5 dead skvaders

Tarasquan swamp Location

Lilanie’s Oasis: Rquires 5 dead skvaders

If you find any more than these 9 please let me know J

Friday, October 28, 2016

Birthday of a Lord Testimony Locations

Birthday of a Lord Testimony Locations

You only need 20 testimonies for the ultimate package (volca blocks, wingu, volri glass, jugs etc) and there are 21 locations.  One of them is the doors to the swamp, so if you haven’t gotten that opened yet, and don’t plan to in the near future, you can still collect your 20 testimonies.


-Start in Hawkoria city, visitor’s district. Mave gives you the quest.
- Accept quest
(Notice the cool rewards!)

Go to the military district for a testimony from Harold the captain
Go to knowledge district to get testimony from 3rd tab
Go to hunting camp in riverwood forest, 1st tab
Go to craneharbor, 4th tab
Go to Teason Village - 5th tab

Found 5 total in Hawkoria


Enorwens trading post, 4th tab
Luxuriant estate – 1st tab (req 40 hills)
Torten camp – only tab
Maliken harbour, falconer’s small fort, only tab
Kor Shelian’s Cabin, 2nd tab
Borzem camp – only tab
Sheros community – 1st tab

7 total found in lanfar

None in Den

Jotungar tomb cape end-of-the-world(35 leadership + 55 mountain)
Lupuntars fortress (starfield) (35 leadership +50 forest)
Farlamburg – (starfield)
Molin ruins A4 (starfield) (35 leadership + 45 snow)
Lamburg forest society (forest of the last assault) (35 leadership + 55 forest)
Snow Star (forest of the last assault) (35 leadership + 42 urban)
Eufelburg (juton forest) 1st tab (35 leadership, 52 forest)
Versarson farm (head to lighted room, pass through eastward frame, down the steep slope, head towards the house to the south) (35 leadership + 46 urban)

Tarasquan doors - starfield side (35 leadership + 57 swamp)

That's 8 in Nostria + 1 in swamp.  Total of 21 testimonies

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Quest: Wanted (to fight Iriza)

Quest: Wanted (to fight Iriza)


Start at the Ducal Palace in the Den



Accept the quest “wanted”


Go to dragon’s jaw in nostria, to the Ourakantir’s temple




Pick a task


  • 50 leadership, 46 snow
  • 35 spying, 46 snow
  • 65 slashing offense, 46 snow
    After completing the task, speak to Iriza
    Finish the quest “wanted”
    You are now capable of fighting Iriza for loot!
    This is one tough fight, but the rewards are nice.
    First attempt here