
Welcome to my Therian Saga information page. I love this game, and I’m hoping to help you on your path.

For other information, the best map I’ve seen so far that includes off-site locations can be found here: http://www.shinhan.name/tsmap/

Shinhan's map has become a crucial tool to the game, so I highly recommend you bookmark it.

Another great map and tool is Nighshade's full map here: http://map.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

Also he has a extended version of the game guide, which you can find here: http://guide.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

(There Nightshade, are you feeling the love ;) )

The wiki on Therian Saga is still mostly in French and lacking in a lot of areas. The Game Guide, accessible through the Theriansaga.com 's home page is the second most valuable page online (after shinhan's map) for game information.

Happy Gaming Folks!

All game images copyrighted by Studio Virtys

Monday, April 23, 2018

Zombies and Candy Walkthrough (fairies)

Zombies and Candy Walkthrough

Start quest at House of Spices


Accept quest "Zombies and Candies"

Pick a task

a) 50 leadership + 42 urban
b) 45 botany + 42 urban 
c) Fight

Finish the quest "zombies and candies"
Accept the quest "Grimaldaz Fairies"

-9-87 for fairies (there might be some in other locations, but everywhere I searched had the same task with the same cooldown)

* Thanks to Golden Pickaxe (writeitdown) for the coords in comments and to Ramin for the mail on these other two locations

- 19, 77   30 horticulture + 52 forest + 10 goldendart honeys
-3, 88      40 commerce + 52 forest + 8 small opals

Once you've gotten the 10 fairies travel back to the houses of spices and finish the quest  " Grimaldaz Fairies" To get the Necrowyvern tanning recipe


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. -3 88 for 100% 2 fairies. Required 8 opal and 40 commercial skill

  3. -18 78 for 70% faries. Required 10 common honey and 30 Horticulture

  4. task at 19.77 requires common honey and not the golden one - golden pickaxe's right
