
Welcome to my Therian Saga information page. I love this game, and I’m hoping to help you on your path.

For other information, the best map I’ve seen so far that includes off-site locations can be found here: http://www.shinhan.name/tsmap/

Shinhan's map has become a crucial tool to the game, so I highly recommend you bookmark it.

Another great map and tool is Nighshade's full map here: http://map.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

Also he has a extended version of the game guide, which you can find here: http://guide.theriansaga-wiki.ru/

(There Nightshade, are you feeling the love ;) )

The wiki on Therian Saga is still mostly in French and lacking in a lot of areas. The Game Guide, accessible through the Theriansaga.com 's home page is the second most valuable page online (after shinhan's map) for game information.

Happy Gaming Folks!

All game images copyrighted by Studio Virtys

Thursday, December 20, 2018

New Bosses dec 2018

The Ice queen boss

New Bosses

Go to Maliken Harbour Dormitory District
Accept quest Embodiment of a bad mood
Pay the 10g
Go to Ice Lab
Go to B2 (In the glassed in area where the chimney is)

Each try takes 5 candy and there is a 23 hour cooldown

My first go made it SO not worth the cost. But here it is

Please post your loot in comments!

Other bosses to come

The Shrew

Go to Outpost of the Rittoria in Combriano Plain
Finish the quest The Reward of Silence

Go to Candero’s tower in Hangman wood
Summon the shrew

Superior Kragkul

Go to the castaway in blackblades forest
Depart for the Gigantika


  1. 5x Foggy Pearl, 1x Mandread, 2x Eternal snowflake

  2. 17:05: You get: 1x Foggy Pearl, 2x Small Uncut Moonstone, 1x Wingu Fabric, 1x Eternal snowflake

  3. 21:18: Vous recevez: 2x Perle de brume, 1x Petite pierre de lune brute, 1x Bloc de lanferite, 1x Bloc de grimalpure, 4x Flocon éternel

    wahou!! lucky shot!

  4. reward the Shrew:15:20: You get: 1x Desert star, 1x Azulio Log

  5. 17:09: You get: 1x Foggy Pearl, 2x Small Uncut Moonstone, 2x Lanferite Block

    ... Just save your candies for next year.

  6. French
    With the candies
    21:48: Vous recevez: 3x Perle de brume, 1x Petite pierre de lune brute, 1x Mandramort

  7. where is: Outpost of the Rittoria in Combriano Plain

  8. Shrow: 1x Turgmush-Stamm, 1x Azulio-Stamm, 2x Felixvoris' Augen
    Kragkul: 3x Kleiner unbearbeiteter Saphir, 1x Ozeanit-Quader, 1x Dämonen-Knochen

  9. 14:10: You get: 3x Desert star, 1x Pantaletal (From the shrew)

  10. 8x Foggy Pearl... and 55g - from Ice Queen. Aghhh ?!

    1. Yuck!! Best I've gotten is gpure. Nothing fantabulous yet.

  11. From the ice queen
    02:08: You get: 4x Foggy Pearl, 2x Lanferite Block, 2x Mandread, 1x Grimalpure Block
    plus 55 gold

  12. reward Kragkul: 2x Demonic Bone, 5x Black Varec
